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Coffees that Taste Like Lemon

Our top picks for Lemon tasting notes this month.
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Ethiopia, Yetatebe, Shakisso - Certified Organic #2004
Lemon Custard, Lemon, Bergamot
Colombia Aguacate #1859
Honey, Lavendar Sugar, Lemon Drop
$23.00 $19.55
Costa Rica Laguna Anaerobic #2267
Sugar Cane, Lemon, Strawberry
Burundi Turihamwe #2180
Caramel, Chocolate, Lemon
Fruit Snacks Blend #1780
Grape, Lemon, Concord Grape
Violet Crown #2157
Delicate, Berries, Lemon
Ethiopia Sidamo Decaf #1039
Almond, Floral, Sugar
Rathskeller House Blend #1358
Caramel, Raspberry, Black Tea
00 Decaf Colombia Huila #1561
Banana Candy, Lemon Sherbet, Praline
Kenya Mbegu Ndogo #1834
Pineapple, Black Tea, Lemon
Citrus #2072
Lemongrass, Mandarin, Orange Blossom
Nicaragua San Rafael Del Norte #2314
Clove, Walnut, Lemon
El Salvador Tres Portos Geca #2322
Peach, Chocolate, Chocolate