Kuma Coffee • Seattle, WA
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About Kuma Coffee
In 2007, Kuma Coffee officially entered the Seattle coffee scene, mainly roasting for a small circle of friends and to sell at Farmer’s markets. Within two years, he’d invested in a beautiful vintage roaster and staked his claim as a well-loved local favorite. But Mark Barany, Kuma’s founder, began his journey into the world of coffee much earlier: in 1995, when he was a child, his parents moved the family to Kenya. Mark recalls his time in Kenya as the very beginnings of his passion for coffee, specifically bright, fruity African roasts.
Naturally, Kuma Coffees are typically light-roasted, single origins with vibrant, fruit-forward profiles: no spicy sumatras or dark blends here. Tasting notes like “honeydew melon”, “cherry candy”, “white grape”, and “honey” are not uncommon. Layered flavors change as they cool: you’ll find florals on the front end, a lingering sugar on the finish, and a cornucopia of fruit in the middle. But while very light-roasted, Kuma coffees have tremendous balance: they’re never one-note, boring, or screw-up-your-mouth sour.
Peter Mark is now the owner and roaster of Kuma, and tastes hundreds of coffees across the world to find those special few to bring into their lineup. They purchase the majority of our coffees direct from origin and always in season, paying a premium to farmers well above commodity markets or fair trade. In seeking out the best of the best, Peter Mark knows the farmer’s hard work and commitment to growing superior coffee deserves it's just reward.
If you’re a long-time fan of Kuma, you’ll begin to see the same names from year to year: loyalty and relationships are important tenets of Kuma’s coffee philosophy. That said, act fast: if you hit upon a coffee you particularly like, order more while it’s here! He can cycle through new microlots so quickly, sometimes, that they are literally brewing today, gone tomorrow… and every time we visit the roastery, his cupping table is crowded with dozens of tiny bean samples as he chooses that next special coffee...
Coffees from Kuma Coffee have been reviewed 699 times,
with an average rating of 4 out of 5.
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