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Devocion • Brooklyn, NY

Shop Coffee from Devocion

Wild Forest
Caramel, Cherry, Cocoa Butter
Holiday Blend
Orange Marmalade, Milk Chocolate, Mulled Wine
Cherry, Vanilla, Almond
Tangy, Sugar Cane, Cranberry
Bombo - Women in Coffee
Vanilla, Dried Fig, Jasmine
Lemongrass, Mandarin, Orange Blossom
El Sol
Caramel, Peach, Cinnamon
Caramel, Honey, Orange Blossom
Red Barrel
Blackberry, Pomegranate, Lemongrass
Cinnamon, Cranberry, Baker's Chocolate
Villa Pastora Natural
Raspberry, Milk Chocolate, Strawberry Jam
Miti Miti - Half Caff
Vanilla, Flowers, Molasses
La Pradera - Bird Friendly®
Cherry, Green Grape, Panela

About Devocion

Colombian-born Steven Sutton launched Devoción in 2006 to produce the freshest coffee imaginable. By focusing solely on sourcing, exporting, and roasting Colombian coffee, Steven and the Devoción team can showcase the country’s expansive array of profiles and nuances. Love Colombian coffee? You might’ve found your new favorite roaster!

Another reason we’re excited to bring on Brooklyn-based Devoción is to highlight how our approaches to coffee freshness align. When Devoción talks about freshness, they’re talking all the way from Colombian farms to your cup. Their team does everything short of picking the cherry, and does it faster than anyone else — they hand-select from their 1,000+ farm partners, dry-mill at their Bogotá facility, control the export process, and then roast in Brooklyn. Without relying on exporting partners or middlemen, Devoción can roast 100% of beans within a month after leaving origin.

Devoción’s flavor profiles practically jumped off our tasting table — the cacao notes were richer, and the cherry flavors came across more vibrantly. But their expertise goes beyond flavor profiles; Steven is committed to creating programs to invest directly back into the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the communities Devoción sources from, including his hometown of Medellín.

Coffees from Devocion have been reviewed 19 times, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5.

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