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Bluebeard Coffee Roasters • Tacoma, WA

Shop Coffee from Bluebeard Coffee Roasters

The Narrows Espresso Blend
Caramel, Chocolate, Spice
El Capitan Latin Blend
Almond, Milk Chocolate, Berries
Yosotatu Reserva | Oaxaca, Mexico
Vanilla, Blackberry, Chocolate

About Bluebeard Coffee Roasters

Bluebeard Coffee Roasters is a self-described "253rd wave" coffee roaster and cafe in Tacoma, WA, just south of Seattle proper.

"Third wave" roasting is synonymous with "specialty coffee": a purist movement wherein the origins of the bean are celebrated and the emphasis is placed on transparency, quality, and a lighter roast profile that puts the flavors of the bean on display.

Like 3rd wavers, Bluebeard emphasizes origin and quality, but goes one step further by pushing his beans into a full medium roast. This gives Bluebeard's coffees a deeper, "toasty" quality that lighter roasts often lack, and brings out chocolate, caramel, and brown sugar flavors in addition to preserving the individuality that makes specialty beans, well, special. "We key in on sugar development without roasting through," says Kevin, the owner and founder. "It's all about balance: body, sweetness, acidity. And our coffees cool well, which is nice".

We think Bluebeard coffee appeals to coffee lovers who really want to enjoy the full flavor spectrum of specialty coffee but prefer a more developed profile. We call it, "the best of both waves"!

Coffees from Bluebeard Coffee Roasters have been reviewed 414 times, with an average rating of 4 out of 5.

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