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Our Best Dark Roast Coffees

The best dark roast coffees from world's top artisan roasters. Darker roasts conjure up adjectives like toasty and smoky. Strong and bold, these dark coffee picks deliver a rich and full-bodied cup perfect for a French press or classic coffee maker.
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Ethiopia Guji Natural #1236
Vanilla, Blackberry, Dark Chocolate
22 Organic Dark Blend #1344
Cacao, Dried Fruit, Molasses
Roaster's Choice #2
Port Wine, Anise, Dark Chocolate
Organic French Royale #1160
Smoky, Bold, Bittersweet
Bearded Lady #58
Cherry, Vanilla, Cocoa Powder
Luna French Roast #203
Vanilla, Almond, Chocolate
Dark Side of the Moon #294
Caramel, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate
Mocha Java Blend #93
Blackberry, Spice, Floral
Lighthouse Blend #97
Caramel, Cherry, Almond
Diablo Dark Roast #130
Dark Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Walnut
Full City Espresso #162
Chocolate, Cocoa Powder, Lemon Zest
$19.00 $16.15
Espresso Ecstasy #164
Chocolate, Molasses
Front Porch French #168
Spice, Cedar, Smoky
Rainier Rising #234
Cedar, Toast, Smoke
French Roast #316
Caramel, Semi Sweet Chocolate, Chocolate
Espresso Blend #319
Port Wine, Anise, Chocolate
Decaf Lighthouse Blend #341
Nutty, Cranberry, Chocolate
French Sumatra #376
Blackberry, Sweet Tobacco, Spice
Midnight Blend #382
Cedar, Cacao, Smoke
Sumatra Mandheling #530
Apricot, Smoky, Baking Spice
Holy Ship! #558
Almond, Brown Sugar, Cocoa
Bonfire Blend #691
Tobacco, Smoky, Merlot
Request Line Blend #692
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Toasted Walnut
El Diablo Blend #936
Caramel, Marshmallow, Chocolate
Kaka'hi'aka Dark Blend #1159
Peach, Dark Chocolate, Mango
Decaf Humbucker #1302
Graham Cracker, Spicy, Dark Caramel
Late Night #1354
Toasty, Dark Chocolate, Malt
Pavement Dark #1360
Caramel, Fruit Compote, Chocolate
Organic 4&20 French Roast #1379
Spice, Dark Chocolate, Pie Crust
Equator Blend #1381
Marzipan, Apricot, Cedar
40 Latin Blend #1432
Grapefruit, Apricot, Cacao
Jebena Blend #1435
Caramel, Nutmeg, Bittersweet Chocolate
French Roast Fair Trade Organic #1441
Walnut, Bittersweet Chocolate, Dried Plum
Civitas Blend #1488
Toffee, Nutty, Chocolate
Darker the Cherry #1491
Cocoa Powder, Dark Chocolate, Toasted Walnut
Barry #1767
Cherry, Brown Sugar, Green Apple
Decaf Stag Espresso Blend #1777
Caramel, Caramel Wafers, Chocolate
Belly Warmer #1786
Dark Chocolate, Almond Butter
Costa Rica La Pastora #1793
Almonds, Plum, Gingersnap
Ponderosa Blend #1818
Caramel, Honey, Chocolate
French Roast - Organic Blend #1821
Sugar, Burnt Sugar
Black Dog Espresso #1828
Cocoa, Nut, Molasses
Heavy Feels French #1832
Tobacco, Cocoa
Tired Eye Decaf #1835
Cherry, Smooth, Chocolate
Sumatra Bebagi Kepada #1836
Oak Barrel, Cocoa, Cocoa Nib
Daydream {Darkly Roasted Blend} #1853
Black Licorice, Licorice, Earthy
Bark At The Moon Blend #1876
Caramel, Sweet Tobacco, Tobacco
Tips Up Tahoe French Roast #1879
Scotch, Chocolate, Baker's Chocolate
Lites Out - Darkest Blend #1902
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Molasses
Medium Well - Darker Roast Blend #1904
Toasty, Burnt Sugar, Bakers Chocolate
Brazil Cerrado Highlands - Certified Fairtrade #1919
Bittersweet Cocoa Nibs, Burnt Orange Peel, Molasses
Burundi Ngozi Highlands #1921
Cherry, Dark Chocolate Covered Cherry, Strawberry Black Pepper Jam
Eternal Flame Blend - Certified Fairtrade #1924
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Smoke
Honduras Santa Bárbara Highlands - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1928
Cherry Pie, Clove, Roasted Walnut
Sumatra Gayo Highlands - Certified Fairtrade, Organic #1931
Caramel, Plum Pie, Chocolate
Kenya Kericho Highlands - Certified Fairtrade #1937
Pomegranate, Black Currants, Currant
$24.50 $18.38
Organic Sumatra Gayo River #1942
Brown Sugar, Nougat, Roasted Almond
Organic Fiore French #1943
Cocoa, Nutmeg, Maple Syrup
Antithesis #1974
Dark Chocolate, Molasses
Colombia Cattleya #1979
Stone Fruit, Chocolate, Floral
$20.75 $17.64
Double Indigo Blend #1980
Sweet Caramel, Roasted Walnuts, Smoky
Humbucker Blend #1982
Spicy, Herbal
Silk Road Blend #1984
Roasted Green Pepper, Sweet Herbal Spices, Milk Chocolate
Stemwinder Blend #1985
Milk Chocolate, Roasted Nuts
Sumatra Tapanuli #1986
Spicy, Herbal
Triple Indigo Blend #1987
Sweet Aftertaste, Dark Chocolate, Smoky
Sweet, Nutty, Milk Chocolate
Banner Dark Blend #2000
Graham Cracker, Toffee, Cocoa
Jaguar Espresso Fair Trade Organic #2015
Apricot, Baking Spices, Hazelnut
Back 40 #2024
Dark Chocolate, Smoky
Coffeehouse Blend #2029
Spice, Fruit, Bittersweet
Decaf Pacific #2030
Dark Chocolate, Chocolate
Espresso Noir #2032
Baking Spice, Toast, Brown Sugar